1. Automatinio frazių atpažinimo tekste sudarytų šablonų pagrindu tyrimas
  2. Automatinė šabloninių situacijų analizė sportinių įvykių sekose
  3. Automobilio saugaus atstumo palaikymo kompiuterinė sistema
  4. Avoidance of possible collisions of mobile robots
  5. Avoiding forward car collision using stereo vision system
  6. Bajeso metodo ir neapibrėžtumo analizės taikymas viesulo matematiniam modeliavimui
  7. Balso perdavimo Internet protokolu paslaugos kokybės daugiaoperatorėje terpėje įvertinimas
  8. Behaviour of dynamic processes in self-exciting vibration of a pipe robot
  9. Behaviour statistic based neural net anti-spam filters
  10. Behavioural finance efficiency under the influence of country’s economic cycle
  11. Bending-rotational vibrations of a strip of cardboard
  12. Bendruomeninės sąsajos su grįžtamuoju ryšiu tyrimas
  13. Bevielio maršrutizatoriaus siųstuvo EVM charakteristikų tyrimas
  14. Biological purpose electronic systems improvement motives
  15. Biotronic system network efficiency investigation
  16. Blood glucose level estimation using interdigital electrodes
  17. Boundary element modeling of acoustic fields generated during ultrasonic angioplasty
  18. Branduolinis pasiskirstymo tankio įvertinimas taikant kryžminį patikrinimą
  19. Built heritage management challenges in the areas of rural-urban interface
  20. Bursty traffic simulation by ON - OFF model
  21. Business cycle and small business
  22. Business sustainability assessment: comparing results of two studies
  23. CFD predictions of indoor air movement induced by cold window surfaces
  24. CMOS technologijos, maskuojant silicio nitridu, kokybė
  25. Calibration of bollinger bands parameters for trading strategy development in the Baltic Stock Market
  26. Capacity and handover analysis in mobile WiMAX
  27. Carbonation of serpentinite rock from Lithuania and Finland
  28. Cargo container monitoring data reliability evaluation in WSN nodes
  29. Case study of the use of video material in an english classroom
  30. Cathode positioning system for multiple beam electron gun
  31. Causality of the damages in high power rotating system elements: experimental testing and modeling
  32. Cemento akmens luitai Kuršių Nerijos kopgalyje: istorinis ir technologinis kontekstas
  33. Challenges of close loop electronic medical systems
  34. Challenges of embedded systems teaching in electronic engineering studies
  35. Changes in marketing channels formation
  36. Characteristics of fault detection system for smart grid distribution network
  37. Chromed leather dyeing peculiarities when deliming with peracetic acid
  38. Circuit reset sequences based on software prototypes
  39. Circumferential stress concentration factors at the asymmetric shallow notches of the lifting hooks of trapezoidal cross-section
  40. City transport monitoring and routes management system
  41. City transport monitoring and routes optimal management system
  42. Classification of 3D point cloud using numerical surface signatures on interest points
  43. Classifiers differences method for experimental modeling of intraocular pressure altitudes versus ultrasonic corneal thickness variables
  44. Clinical assessment of the accuracy of ICP non-invasive measurement
  45. Cloud-computing based accounting for small to medium sized business
  46. Colour luminance contrast of digital projection image
  47. Coloured Petri nets - tool for control systems learning
  48. Combined heat pump and power plant. Part I: thermodynamic analysis
  49. Combined heat pump and power plant. Part II: economic analysis
  50. Company’s information and telecommunication networks security risk assesment algorithm