1. Thermal oxidation process influence to the V-MOS structure
  2. Thermal oxidation process influence to the three-dimensional integrated structures
  3. Thermal state and hydrodynamics of evaporating hydrocarbon droplets. 1. A possibility of natural circulation of the liquid in the droplet
  4. Tiesa kaip ugdymo gėrybė
  5. Tiesioginių užsienio investicijų įtaka Kauno regionui
  6. Tips for shear force microscopy fabricated by controlled etching
  7. Tomo Akviniečio žmogaus laisvės teorijos tyrimai XX amžiuje (I straipsnis)
  8. Tomo Akviniečio žmogaus laisvės teorijos tyrimai XX amžiuje (II straipsnis)
  9. Trade relations between Lithuania and Russia in context of integration processes
  10. Traditions and inovations of yarns in Lithuanian folk fabrics (19th century)
  11. Traffic analysis in the Intelligent Network
  12. Traffic flow detection and forecasting
  13. Train traffic simulation with coloured Petri nets and schedule optimisation
  14. Trajectory planning method of rotating mobile piezorobot
  15. Transformation of Lithuania and Ukraine regional policy
  16. Transformation of a national brand into an international brand
  17. Transformations of efficient market hypothesis under the influence of behavioral finance
  18. Transistor control with additional charge pumping circuit
  19. Transition fault coverage for different implementations of the circuit
  20. Transition test supplement
  21. Translation of the Russian Nadsat slang in Anthony Burgess’ novel A Clockwork Orange into Lithuanian
  22. Transmission line fault distance measurement based on time difference between travelling wave reflection and refraction
  23. Transmission line protection and fault location based on travelling wave measurement
  24. Transporto apskaitos sistemos kūrimas ir tyrimas
  25. Transverse vibrations of a two‑dimensional pipe system
  26. Trečios eilės matricų algebrinių-struktūrinių parametrų išskyrimas ir tyrimas
  27. Two strategies for response to 14°C cold-water immersion: is there a difference in the response of motor, cognitive, immune and stress markers?
  28. Two-parameter electronic devices quality models
  29. Two-stage chaotic colpitts oscillator for the UHF range
  30. Typological models of motives and effects of adoption of ISO 9000 series standards
  31. Ultragarsinio keitiklio pradinio stiprintuvo triukšminis modelis
  32. Ultrasonographic (TCS) and clinical findings in overlapping phenotype of essential tremor and Parkinson's disease (ET-PD)
  33. Underactuated manipulator with control based on variable dynamic properties of joints
  34. Underestimated importance of cultural differences in outsourcing arrangements
  35. Universiteto projektų vadybos brandos vertinimo aspektai
  36. Unpredictable cryptographic pseudo-random number generator based on non-linear dynamic chaotic system
  37. Unstable simulator of academic rowing
  38. Update in intracranial pressure evaluation methods and translaminar pressure gradient role in glaucoma
  39. Urban traffic control using IR video detection technology
  40. Use and translation of conditional sentences in institutional register and popular scientific prose
  41. Use of simulation and gaming to enhance entrepreneurship
  42. Using higher order nonlinear operators for SVM classification of EEG data
  43. Using manufacturing measurement visualization to improve performance
  44. Utilization of waste materials for welding and surfacing
  45. V-characteristics analysis of non-salient pole synchronous electrical machines
  46. Valdymo sistemos su vėlavimais analizinis tyrimas
  47. Valdymo uždavinių programavimas taikant projektavimo šablonų rinkinį
  48. Validation of noninvasive MOEMS-assisted measurement system based on CCD sensor for radial pulse analysis
  49. Validation of point cloud data for 3D plane detection
  50. Valstybinio socialinio draudimo motinystės (tėvystės) išmokų reglamentavimas: pašalpų gavėjų struktūra ir pasirinkimai