1. Credit risk estimation model development process: main steps and model improvement
  2. Criteria for the evaluation of public relations effectiveness
  3. Critical slip and characteristics of induction motor for borehole investigating devices
  4. Current-voltage characteristics of the metal / organic semiconductor / metal structures: top and bottom contact configuration case
  5. Customer engagement into value creation: determining factors and relations with loyalty
  6. Cylindrical piezoelectric mobile actuator based on travelling wave
  7. Czesławo Miłoszo filosofija: kalba ir (ar) tikrovė?
  8. Dalinis failų šifravimas pernešamose laikmenose
  9. Dalykinės srities žodyno sudarymas automatiškai atrinktų frazių pagrindu
  10. Dar kartą apie filosofijos prasmę
  11. Data reduction influence on the accuracy of credit risk estimation models
  12. Daugelio rizikų pasėlių draudimo nuostolingumo tyrimas
  13. Daugiamačio tankio įvertinio, pagrįsto tiksliniu projektavimu, tyrimas
  14. Daugiasluoksnio konstrukcinio elemento optimizavimas tampriai plastinėje zonoje
  15. Decision support system framework for agile manufacturing of mechanical products
  16. Defektų tekstūriniuose paviršiuose nustatymas taikant Haaro transformaciją
  17. Defining random search termination conditions
  18. Deformation characteristic research of albumen belkozin membrane
  19. Dependence of air permeability on various integrated fabric firmness factors
  20. Dependence of polypropylene yarn mechanical properties on manufacturing parameters
  21. Dependences of air textured polypropylene yarn properties on the yarn structure and air pressure in a texturing jet
  22. Deposition of ZnO layers using planar reactive magnetron system
  23. Design and dynamic modeling of piezoelectric laser beam shutters
  24. Design of 3D scene scanner for flat surface detection
  25. Design of a mobile microrobot based on standing and travelling waves
  26. Design of hybrid model of fertilizers production process for automatic control purpose
  27. Design of the deadbeat controller with limited output
  28. Destruction of chains in magnetorheological fluids by high frequency oscillation
  29. Detecting the mobile robot position using the profile of known environment
  30. Detection of hand position using 3-D computer vision
  31. Detection of the tonometrical measurements error adapting the radial basis function method versus multilayer perceptron
  32. Determination of heat transfer intensity in laminar liquid film flow
  33. Determination of lifetime for railway carriages automatic coupler SA-3
  34. Determination of mixed-mode fracture characteristics due dynamic opening and in-plane shear cases
  35. Determination of stress strain state in pipe subjected to internal pressure at plane strain condition under elasto plastic loading
  36. Determination of stresses and strains in two-layer mechanically inhomogeneous pipe subjected to internal pressure at elastic plastic loading
  37. Development and validation of structural models of human posture
  38. Development of cavitation applications for the remediation of contaminated water
  39. Development of control system of the single phase multi-Input inverter for microgrids
  40. Development of decision support system for fused deposition modelling manufacturing cost estimation
  41. Development of modern management accounting system
  42. Development of mortar simulator with shell-in-shell system - problem of internal ballistics
  43. Development of mortar simulator with shell-in-shell system – problem of external ballistics
  44. Development, implementation and evaluation of multistage investment strategies
  45. Device for controlled distribution of FePt nanoparticles formations in a stream of liquid medium under influence of magnetic field
  46. Diagnostic research of rotor systems with variable inertia moment
  47. Diagnostics of construction defects in a building by using time-frequency analysis
  48. Diagnostics practice of heavy duty high speed gear transmissions
  49. Diagnostics procedure for identification of rubs in rotor bearings
  50. Diamond like carbon film as potential antireflective coating for silicon solar cells