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1. Carroll, Kathleen M.; Simpson, Deborah M.; Eyers, Claire E.; Knight, Christopher G.; Brownridge, Philip; Dunn, Warwick B.; Winder, Catherine L.; Lanthaler, Karin; Pir, Pinar; Malys, Naglis; Kell, Douglas B.; Oliver, Stephen G.; Gaskell, Simon J.; Beynon, Robert J. Absolute quantification of the glycolytic pathway in yeast: deployment of a complete QconCAT approach // Molecular & cellular proteomics. Bethesda, MD : American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. ISSN 1535-9476. eISSN 1535-9484. 2011, vol. 10, iss. 12, art. no. M111.007633, p. 1-15. DOI: 10.1074/mcp.M111.007633.


2. Dacheux, Estelle; Malys, Naglis; Meng, Xiang; Ramachandran, Vinoy; Mendes, Pedro; McCarthy, John E.G. Translation initiation events on structured eukaryotic mRNAs generate gene expression noise // Nucleic acids research. Oxford : Oxford University Press. ISSN 0305-1048. eISSN 1362-4962. 2017, vol. 45, iss. 11, p. 6981-6992. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkx430.


3. Barbarossa, Emanuele; Berthou, Jean-Yves; Budroni, Paolo; Cachia, Ernest; van Daalen, Mirjam; Devereux, Claire; Jong, Franciska de; Häll, Maria; Howard, John; Lillemets, Kristina; Maray, Tamas; Meyer, Norbert; Mergen, Patricia; Moschopoulos, Panayotis; Munari, Liina; Mustajoki, Henriikka; Pérez, Alberto; Ruggieri, Federico; Sartzetakis, Stelios; Skålin, Roar; Tautkeviciene, Gintare; Tochtermann, Klaus; Marinos-Kouris, Christos. Solutions for a sustainable EOSC: a FAIR Lady (olim Iron Lady) report from the EOSC Sustainability Working Group : [studija] / edited by: the EOSC executive board. Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2020. 43 p. ISBN 9789276255949. DOI: 10.2777/870770.


4. Laučka, Andrius. Development of a method for monitoring the granulation process of inorganic fertilizers = Neorganinių trąšų granuliacijos proceso stebėsenos metodo sukūrimas, 2021. 46 p. Prieiga per internetą: <> [žiūrėta 2021-03-09].


5. Arina, Dace; Bendere, Rūa; Denafas, Gintaras; Kalnacs, Janis; Kriipsalu, Mait. Characterization of refuse derived fuel production from municipal solid waste: the case studies in Latvia and Lithuania // Environmental and climate technologies. Warsaw : Sciendo. ISSN 1691-5208. eISSN 2255-8837. 2020, vol. 24, no. 3, p. 112-118. DOI: 10.2478/rtuect-2020-0090.


6. Kučinskas, Darius (atlikėjas). Koncertas Balzeko lietuvių kultūros muziejuje / [dalyvavo] tenoras Vaidas Vyšniauskas (Kristian Benedikt) ir koncertmeisteris Darius Kučinskas. Chicago : [s.n.]. 1 koncertas. Renginio vieta ir laikas: Balzeko lietuvių kultūros muziejus, Čikaga, JAV, 2018 m. rugsėjo mėn. 30 d. 19 val.
Kūriniai: A. Kačanauskas. Vai gražu; B. Dvarionas. Tris dienas, tris naktis; J. Tallat-Kelpša. Daina apie Nemunėlį; G. Verdi. Otelo, arija iš operos „Otelas“; R. Falvo. Dicitencello Vuie; A. H. Malotte. The Lord‘s Prayer; G. Cottrau. Tiritomba. [Muzikos kūrinys].


7. Kumar, Vijay; Singh, Dilbag; Kaur, Manjit; Damaševičius, Robertas. Overview of current state of research on the application of artificial intelligence techniques for COVID-19 // PeerJ computer science. London : PeerJ. ISSN 2376-5992. 2021, vol. 7, art. no. e564, p. 1-34. DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.564.


8. Arnastauskaitė, Jurgita; Ruzgas, Tomas; Bražėnas, Mindaugas. Power analysis of goodness of fit tests for normality // 9th (online) international conference on applied analysis and mathematical modeling (ICAAMM21) June 11-13, 2021, Istanbul-Turkey: abstracts book /M. Bayram, A. Seçer (eds.). Istanbul : Biruni University, 2021. ISBN 9786056918148. p. 155.


9. Samuolis, Vilius. Organinių dažiklių funkcionalizavimas 2D perovskitų pirmtakų sintezei = Functionalization of organic dyes to obtain precursors for the synthesis of 2D perovskites, 2021. 42 p. Prieiga per internetą: <> [žiūrėta 2021-06-08].


10. Balvočienė, Vaiva; Zaleckis, Kęstutis. Cultural urban catalysts as meaning of the city // Architecture and urban planning = Arhitektūra un pilsetplānošana. Warsaw : Sciendo. ISSN 1691-4333. eISSN 2255-8764. 2021, vol. 17, iss. 1, p. 18-28. DOI: 10.2478/aup-2021-0002.

Atnaujinta 2024-10-24