1. An application of solvent and thermal treatment to recover materials from photovoltaic module encapsulated with polyolefin elastomer
  2. Characterization of myrrh extract effect on polylactide and polypropylene melt spun multifilament yarn structure and properties
  3. Computational cost and implementation analysis of a wavelet-based edge computing method for energy-harvesting industrial IoT sensors
  4. Effects of lactic acid bacterial fermentation on the biochemical properties and antimicrobial activity of hemp seeds
  5. Enzymes in wet-blue neutralization: effect on processes and leather properties
  6. Evaluating petrophysical properties using digital rock physics analysis: A CO2 storage feasibility study of Lithuanian reservoirs
  7. MFAN: multi-feature attention network for breast cancer classification
  8. Moisture absorption and mechanical degradation of polymer systems incorporated with layered double hydroxide particles
  9. Powering agriculture IoT sensors using natural temperature differences between air and soil: measurement and evaluation
  10. Remote calibration of wattmeter in a low-voltage AC network
  11. Solar radiation modification: SAPEA evidence review report