Title Enzymes in wet-blue neutralization: effect on processes and leather properties /
Authors Biškauskaitė-Ulinskė, Renata ; Valeika, Virgilijus
DOI 10.2478/9788367405805-007
ISBN 9788367405805
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Is Part of ICAMS 2024: proceedings of the 10th international conference on advanced materials and systems, 30-31 October 2024, Bucharest, Romania.. Warsaw : Sciendo, 2024. p. 53-58.. ISBN 9788367405805
Keywords [eng] neutralization ; enzyme ; chromed leather
Abstract [eng] Enzymes are biocatalysts that have wide applications in many industries. Traditionally, they are employed in leather industry for bating to remove non-collagenous proteins and open-up the fibres for better penetration of chemical substances. Due to growing environmental concerns, more studies are done to use enzymes in other leather processing steps as auxiliaries in soaking, liming-unhairing of hides/skins or for bating of chromed leather (wet-blue). However, enzyme application in post-tanning is still a new field; there is limited information if enzymes can be employed in leather finishing. The aim of this research was to investigate neutralization with enzyme preparations and evaluate the influence on further wet-finishing operations and its effect on the qualities of the semi- and finished product. In the study two enzyme preparations were used: Novo Bate WB and Vilzim PRO N. After enzymatic process the shrinkage temperature and the amount of removed collagen were evaluated; after wet finishing the dye and tannin exhaustion, the penetration of the dye, the matter soluble in dichloromethane were determined. Using enzymes led to greater collagen removal compared to conventional neutralization; however, shrinkage temperature after the neutralization as well as after wet finishing did not show any significant differences. Moreover, only dye penetration through grain side was markedly better when using enzyme preparations. The obtained results showed that some characteristics improved while others got worse or remained similar during further processing. Because of this, it is crucial to analyze and optimize usage of each new enzyme preparation to produce leather with desired qualities.
Published Warsaw : Sciendo, 2024
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2024
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