1. Architectural patterns language and possibilities of its parametrization
  2. Dubbing non-standard English into Lithuanian: dialects and accents in animated movies
  3. Edukacinių tinklalaidžių leksinės raiškos analizė
  4. Methyl 2-amino-4-[1-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)azetidin-3-yl]-1,3-selenazole-5-carboxylate
  5. Neteisingos kalbos ir lokalizacijos defektų paieškos mobiliosiose programose, analizuojant programos resursus, metodas ir tyrimas
  6. Rendering culture-specific items in subtitles: the case of TED Talks translation from English into Lithuanian
  7. Revitalization of modernist urban neighbourhoods using new urbanism and urban network models
  8. Segmentation of drilled holes in texture wooden furniture panels using deep neural network
  9. Study of Ion propulsion technology and possible practical applications
  10. The method of highest pore estemination of electrospun thin fibrous webs
  11. Vertimo bendradarbiaujant įtaka vertimo procesui ir rezultatui
  12. X-ray diffraction analysis and Williamson-Hall method in USDM model for estimating more accurate values of stress-strain of unit cell and super cells (2 × 2 × 2) of hydroxyapatite, confirmed by ultrasonic pulse-echo test