Title Dubbing non-standard English into Lithuanian: dialects and accents in animated movies /
Translation of Title Dialektų ir akcentų dubliavimas animaciniuose filmuose lietuvių kalba.
Authors Zabulionytė, Agnė
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Pages 68
Keywords [eng] audiovisual translation ; dubbing ; localisation ; dialect transference ; accent transference
Abstract [eng] Researchers working in the audiovisual translation area have been diving deeper into new topics, researching an increasing number of diverse audiovisual texts and conducting interdisciplinary studies. This thesis aimed to analyse the relatively new topic of transference of dialects and accents in dubbed animated movies from English to Lithuanian. Even though dialects and accents in film are mimicked and not entirely loyal to the real-life versions, their presence in animated movies and other audiovisual texts is never random but serves specific purposes. These non-standard language varieties give some texture to the audiovisual text, build up characters, define power relations, perform audiopostcarding functions, create humour, move the plot forward. The empirical research of a twenty-one movie corpus has revealed that despite the importance of dialects, accents, and the associated functions, Lithuanian dubbing professionals tend to neutralise them by employing discourse standardisation or dialectisation strategies. However, in several cases, Samogitian and Aukštaitian dialects, their variations and accents were used to portray characters as lower-class members, emphasise the differences or create humorous situations. This combination of theoretical and empirical research showed that dialect and accent transference theory and practice is not yet developed in the Lithuanian context and deserves further research.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2021