Title Išmaniojo kelio sąnario atramos palaikymo mechanizmo modernizavimas /
Translation of Title Modernization of smart knee orthotic device.
Authors Khan, Shazia
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Pages 56
Keywords [eng] knee brace ; knee angle ; steps count ; knee osteoarthritis
Abstract [eng] The review was done based on the article information of knee braces and latest technologies on which basis knee braces are working to better understood the working function of it. The technologies which have been depicted in this review are a piece of а more extensive image of improved brace treatment. The modernization of smart knee brace based on hinged in knee brace and added gyroscope sensor, pressure sensor and GPS module on frame of knee brace. It made more advance knee brace where can be calculated the knee angle walking steps, pressure, speed, and show longitude and latitude of knee brace moreover. The python code is written to get real time data from the device and application programming interface (API) code to store real time data in cloud and share to mobile application to show real time data of knee brace in smartphone mobile application. Mobile application developed using React Native framework expo command and Java script. Primer data results gathered from the device to show accurate working results of the created model regarding equipment and programming qualities.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2021