Title Kauno CŠT sistemos šilumos pajėgumų išnaudojimo didinimo, nešildymo sezono metu, galimybių tyrimas /
Translation of Title Investigation of the possibilities of increasing the heat capacity utilization of Kaunas DH system during the non – heating season.
Authors Dmuchovskis, Karolis
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Pages 75
Keywords [eng] DH ; excess heat energy ; seasonal heat storage ; district cooling
Abstract [eng] Some district heating networks are faced with a challenge of using excess heat produced during the off-season. Usually, this thermal energy potential is untapped and is simply released into the environment. This final work analyses the possibility of utilizing such excess heat energy during the non-heating season by taking advantage of two most commonly used technologies for this purpose: seasonal heat storage and district cooling. In this final work, the research of seasonal heat storage and district cooling possibilities in the selected Kaunas city district heating system is performed. Both the analysis of heat energy demand and an estimation of cooling demand in Kaunas city is performed. The technical analysis of the selected technologies is done, the calculation methodology is presented, and the influence of the temperature curve raise during the non-heating season on the heat losses in the network is evaluated. Finally, the economic analysis also presents the individual and overall results of both technologies.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021