Title Skirstomojo dujotiekio atšakos Marijampolė - Kalvarija tiesimo galimybių studija /
Translation of Title The feasibility study of gas distribution network branch construction from Marijampolė to Kalvarija.
Authors Kruglovaitė, Danutė
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Pages 103
Keywords [eng] natural gas ; distribution network ; feasibility study
Abstract [eng] The aim of this research work is to analyze the possibility of gas supply to Kalvarija town and its regions. To achieve this aim there were made objective and common technical validity and formed several distribution construction models. These models were examined technically, environmentally and economically afterwards framing summarizing conclusions. In general feasibility study branches were chosen from Marijampolė to Kalvarija, as the main criteria were demand for natural gas. Furthermore, there was found that a more detailed examination of the project is targeted: the demand of annual natural gas exceeds the minimum statutory amount. Simultaneously, on the technical analysis the decision was made, that Marijampolė gas distribution station capacity is sufficient to supply natural gas not only to existing customers, but also to the planned distribution pipeline branch, as well as the optimal source of gas supply and distribution system functional elements. From the environmental point of view, based on atmospheric pollution dispersion modeling software environment AERMOD program results, thus gas supply to the existing industrial facilities to ensure lower emissions and were would be eliminated environment pollution at this moment. The evaluation of the investment, operating and other expenses, estimated that the planned pipeline branch is not appropriate when natural gas is deployed for domestic and industrial facilities. Generally, investments in the natural gas networks of this development would exceed several times the expected revenue. In analyzed gas supplies for industrial objects were was found that such distribution of pipeline branch would be economically beneficial. In conclusions, this research has shown us, that deployed for household and non- household customers, distribution of pipeline development is not appropriate. Optimal gas supply in that territory would only ensure the construction of a branch pipeline in industry region. This research study would be beneficial to the preparation of distribution pipeline network of branches from Marijampolė to Kalvarija for Technical and Design projects.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2015