Title Užimtumo srityje veikiančių socialinių įmonių vaidmuo sprendžiant socialines problemas Lietuvoje /
Translation of Title Role of work integration social enterprises in solving social problems in Lithuania.
Authors Stuglytė, Vaida
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Pages 90
Keywords [eng] social economy ; social enterprise ; social problems ; target groups ; role of social enterprises
Abstract [eng] The master’s thesis emphasizes the role of work integration social enterprises in the solution of social problems in Lithuania. The chosen topic is relevant as the role of social enterprises is becoming more important, when the state engages enterprises with the status of a social enterprise to help solve problems relevant to society. In this case, state support and a mature public attitude towards the importance of social enterprises should be key factors that can contribute to the efficiency of enterprise operations. Despite the fact that social enterprises operate in an open market and assume certain economic risks when creating social welfare, it is noticed that the shortcomings of social enterprise operations are increasingly identified in the public domain. As the regulation of their activities is changing and becoming more stringent, it creates conditions for paying more attention to the role of social enterprises in the solution of social problems. The most of research-based information on social enterprise topics is found in the academic literature of foreign authors. The development of research on this topic in Lithuania is low. There is a particular lack of research on the operation of social enterprises operating in Lithuania, their ability to solve problems, and the analysis of factors motivating them. Thus, the project researches the problem - What are the capabilities and motivation of work integration social enterprises to solve social problems? The object of the research is the role of work integration social enterprises in the solution of social problems. The aim of the project is to find out the capabilities and motivation of work integration social enterprises to solve social problems and the potential impact on the target groups. Project objectives: 1. to perform a theoretical analysis of the concept, types and characteristics of social enterprises and to analyse the concept of social economy; 2. to analyse the legal framework regulating the operation of social enterprises; 3. to determine the capabilities and motivation of Lithuanian work integration social enterprises to solve social problems and their possible impact on the target groups after the performance of an empirical research. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, analysis of the legislation, semi-structured interview, and qualitative content analysis. The research established that the establishment of social enterprises operating in Lithuania was motivated by emotional experience, circumstances, and knowledge. The conduction of business and solving of social problems is motivated by internal factors related to the competent team, employee satisfaction and motivation, the pursuit of the social mission, and others. External factors such as state aid and feedback motivate as well. Problems that are being solved and reflect the existing capabilities in such areas as unemployment, social exclusion, lack of material resources, communication skills, competencies, and others. According to the identified problems to be solved, wider capabilities to solve the qualification improvement, lack of provision of social integration services, and other problems were identified. Improvement of social skills, a sense of completeness, and other likely benefits to the target group were identified as well. The results of the research can be useful for policy makers, representatives of NGOs (non-governmental organizations), social enterprises themselves and associations that represent them, when making decisions regarding the operation of social enterprises and the social welfare of target groups. The first part of the thesis presents the concept of social economy, specifies its significance for the functioning of social enterprises, discusses the concept of social enterprise, its types and characteristics. The second part of the thesis presents an analysis of the legal framework regulating the operation of social enterprises and changes in the law on social enterprises. The methodological part presents the strategy and organization of the empirical research, discusses the methods used in the research. The last part of the thesis presents the analysis and results of empirical research data.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2021