Title Mokymosi darbo vietoje motyvaciniai veiksniai multinacionalinėje įmonėje /
Translation of Title Motivational factors for learning at the workplace in the multinational company.
Authors Jakubauskaitė, Nora
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Pages 91
Keywords [eng] workplace learning ; motivation ; multinational company
Abstract [eng] World globalization and rapid changes in technologies are encouraging to keep with the pace and learn new skills continuously. Continuing learning and learning throughout the whole lifetime for adults is especially relevant in this context as it provides an opportunity to adapt more quickly to the changes and gain new knowledge that’s helpful for personal and professional life. Continues learning is closely related to workplace learning. Multinational and other types of companies pay close attention to and are aware of the benefits that learning new knowledge at the workplace provide. However, for this type of learning to be effective and keep employees active in them, motivational factors that encourage employees to initiate and actively participate in this activity need to be determined. Even tough, scientific literature regarding the connection between workplace learning and motivational factors have been widely analyzed, information regarding motivational factors that encourage learning at multinational workplaces is sparse. This master’s thesis is intended to reveal the motivational factors that encourage learning in multinational company workplaces. Tasks: validate the concept, types and methods of workplace learning; identify the factors that encourage workplace learning; validate the methodology of workplace learning motivational factors in multinational companies; identify the peculiarities of workplace learning in multinational companies and motivational factors that promote employees to learn. Data collection methods used in the master’s thesis: scientific literature analysis method was used in order to validate workplace learning processes and motivational factors in multinational companies; semi-structured interview was implemented to interview pre-selected respondents in order to determine the motivational factors that encourage workplace learning in multinational companies. Thesis analysis methods - descriptive content analysis. The thesis results revealed that workplace learning concept and the benefits that it brings between multinational companies are well-know and are being strived to achieve by company employees. The main forms that are used to develop this learning process is social and individual learning. Social learning form is used communicating with other people, exchanging information, discussing and sharing good practice. This form of learning is used with the social learning tools as social network Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and messaging applications Slack and Discord. Additionally, e-mail service platforms such as Gmail and Zoho Mail can also be pointed out. Individual learning form can be attributed to learning when the individual on its own initiative searches for information and solutions using the following tools: online browser Google Chrome, which allows to access vast amounts of information found online; online search engine Google Search, which allows to access information about the needed subject; other online information platforms such as YouTube, which provides information visually and Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia that contains a huge variety of information. During this master’s thesis, it was also determined, that internal motives promote better motivation to learning than external motives. The main internal motives consist of desire to improve and satisfaction of the work achieved, while, the main external motives comprise of job salary and further career possibilities. Thesis relevance and significance: explanation of the benefits of workplace learning; identification of workplace learning forms and the tools and instruments used; determining of workplace learning motivational factors; verification of empirically validated models of workplace learning motivational factors; empirically validated facts about real motivational factors that encourage workplace learning collected from case studies. Theoretical and empirical insights can be used by company employers/employees seeking to encourage workplace learning and researches for their projects related to motivational factors encouraging workplace learning.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020