Title Dešimtos klasės mokinių fizikos mokymosi strategijų taikymo edukaciniai veiksniai /
Translation of Title Educational factors of learning strategy application for 10th grade students of physics.
Authors Bagdonavičius, Lukas
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Pages 107
Keywords [eng] physics learning strategy application ; educational factors ; 10th grade students
Abstract [eng] Learning strategies application as a component of learning to learn competency is based on social constructivism and self-directed learning theories. Academic achievements do not reveal a learning to learn competency. Also it does not mean that studens with high academic results apply learning strategies effectively. It is a reason why this project aimed to reveal educational factors determining learning strategy application for 10th grade students of physics. The objects to achieve the goal are: 1. to base theoretically educational factors of learning strategy application for 10th grade students of physics; 2. to justify the methodology of educational factors of learning strategy application for 10th grade students of physics research. 3. to reveal educational factors of learning strategy application for 10th grade students of physics. Theoretical analysis evidence that the physics learning competency is contained of knowledge and understanding, problem solving, ability to adapt, scientific communication, learning to learn. The physics learning strategies – cognitive, affective, sociocultural-interactive and metacognitive, metaaffective, metasociocultural-interactive – are used to acquire components of physics learning competency. The application of physics learning strategies is affected by educational factors – teacher, school, classroom, friends, family, ICT, personality, student`s experience. To specify physics learning strategies and their educational factors the qualitative research strategy is chosen. The 15 studens of 10th grade of physics are interviewed in a partially structured interview. Data is analysed using thematical analysis method and creating the matrix of physics learning strategies and their educational factors. The results of a research expose that students apply cognitive, affective, sociocultural-interactive and metacognitive learning strategies which are applied due to personality, student`s experience, pursuit of high academic results, which are taught by parents, teachers, friends, internet. Certain learning strategies are induced by distance learning, ICT, collaboration culture in a classroom. The results are significant to physics theachers, parents for installing educational factors of physics learning strategies application of 10th grade in educational space. Also the researchers can use the physics learning strategies and their educational factors classification for representative quantitative research.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020