Title Tarporganizacinis bendradarbiavimas valdant krizes Lietuvos Respublikos Klaipėdos valstybinio jūrų uosto akvatorijoje /
Translation of Title Interorganizational collaboration in crisis management in the Klaipėda state seaport area of the Republic of Lithuania.
Authors Plienius, Vaidas
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Pages 71
Keywords [eng] crisis ; crisis management ; crisis management phase ; interorganizational collaboration
Abstract [eng] With a rapid modernization of the society and constant changes in different areas of people’s lives, various side effects of these processes come into the forefront – increasing consumption, environmental pollution, atmospheric changes leading to the risk of natural disasters and catastrophes, economic and social inequality and the resulting exploitation of people and spread of various mental and physical diseases. These factors not only endanger the health and life of an individual person, but also pose the threat of major disasters for certain groups of people or even countries. In all the aforementioned cases, the State must not only adequately react to the challenges, but also be able to forecast and eliminate the consequences. The Klaipėda State Seaport Area is unique for the specifics of crisis management in the water: in the event of a crisis, it involves employment of forces capable of managing rescue operations in the water. Through legal regulation, the State has established a list of entities and forces responding at said site and defined their competences; however, this is just a small part of what is necessary for successful interorganizational collaboration in the management of such crises. Even though there are Lithuanian and foreign scientists investigating crises in certain aspects and discussing theoretical models and management concepts thereof, this study focuses exclusively on the possibilities for interorganizational collaboration in crisis management in the Klaipėda State Seaport area, based on the existing legal regulation of the Republic of Lithuania. In this regard, the study is new and unique. The study helped ascertain the possibilities of interorganizational collaboration in crisis management in the Klaipėda State Seaport area of the Republic of Lithuania. Having chosen crisis management as the object of the study, the possibilities for interorganizational collaboration in crisis management in the Klaipėda State Seaport area of the Republic of Lithuania were analyzed and recommendations for strengthening said collaboration were provided. The study set the following goals: 1. to analyze crisis management models and peculiarities of interorganizational collaboration during crisis management; 2. to examine the legal regulation of crisis management and interorganizational collaboration of organizations partaking in crisis management in Lithuania; 3. to carry out a case study of crisis management in the Klaipeda State Seaport area of the Republic of Lithuania, based on an international project/training, and provide recommendations for strengthening interorganizational collaboration in crisis management. The study includes an analysis of scientific literature, an analysis of legislation, a study case, monitoring, an interview. The data obtained during the study led to the conclusion that in the event of a crisis in the Klaipėda State Seaport Area of the Republic of Lithuania, the public administration and economic entities are not ready for collaboration. The main reasons for this are the limited knowledge of the legislation regulating interorganizational collaboration in crisis management and different interpretations thereof, lack of agreements between public administration and economic entities, the incompatibility of legislation governing the interaction of individual organizations and inadequate definition of the hierarchy thereof in terms of legal power. The subject’s conclusions and recommendations are likely to be used in the adjustment of the legal framework and elimination of shortcomings in order to optimize collaboration between responding authorities/organizations. The study consists of the introduction, 3 parts, conclusions, and recommendations. The first part presents the concept of crisis and outlines crisis management models and forms of interorganizational collaboration. The second part examines the legal regulation of crisis management and interorganizational collaboration in crisis management and details organizations partaking in the crisis management in Lithuania. The third part substantiates the research methodology and presents a case study of a crisis in the Klaipėda State Seaport area as well as an analysis thereof, analyzes and summarizes the results of the interviews. The thesis is concluded with conclusions and recommendations.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020