Title Veiksmingos elektros energijos tiekimo atstatymo buitiniams vartotojams kontrolės tyrimas /
Translation of Title Research of the effective control of electricity supply restoration for households.
Authors Gecevičius, Aidas
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Pages 71
Keywords [eng] electricity supply restoration ; hauseholds protection ; control of electricity system quality and reliability
Abstract [eng] The final research analyzes the measures of protection of electricity consumers’ rights in Lithuanian households. The research is focused on the activities of companies which operate the electricity distribution network, as well as on the decisions made by regulatory authorities. In the project, the effective electricity supply restoration control mechanisms, which are currently applied in the Lithuanian electricity system, are analyzed. Today, the main problem in Lithuania is that the electricity distribution network is rather old; therefore, its reliability has decreased. Every year, long-term and unplaned interruptions to electricity supply cause inconvenience to many households. The objective of the thesis is to analyze the quality of the distribution network in Lithuania and to provide recommendations on how to improve protection of consumers’ interests. The improvement of the quality of electricity supply requires specific knowledge of both – the electricity distribution operator and the regulator. Generally, innovations in the energy sector require high costs and detailed preparation. In order to restore effective electricity supply for households, it is essential to analyze the quality criteria and regulatory models. The thesis mainly focuses on good practice of developed foreign countries. In the research, the effect of additional regulatory measures as well as their possible implementation in Lithuanian electricity system is analyzed.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2019