Title Universiteto edukacinės aplinkos, įgalinančios studentus mokytis spręsti problemas (anglų kalbos studijų aspektu) /
Translation of Title University educational environments enabling students to learn problem solving (in English as a foreign language course).
Authors Jaleniauskienė, Evelina
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Pages 34
Keywords [eng] problem solving ; university educational environments ; learning of English as a foreign language
Abstract [eng] Problem solving is indicated as one of the essential 21st century skills and therefore many educational researchers and practitioners agree that the development of this skill should be incorporated in every curriculum and diverse subjects. The main research problem of the dissertation is: What should university educational environments be to enable students to learn problem solving (in foreign language studies)? The research aim is to substantiate the sequence of university educational environments where students learn to solve ill-structured problems by integrating such practice in foreign language studies. The theoretical part ends with a tripartite model of educational environments enabling students to learn problem solving in foreign language studies. The aim of the methodological part is to substantiate the empirical research methodology for the study. The empirical part includes the context of the study, implementation process of the model, results, discussion and conclusions. The study proves the effectiveness and applicability of the model enabling students to develop both social and cognitive skills necessary for solving ill-structured problems in collaboration, which is merged with learning a foreign language.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2018