Title |
Daugiafunkcinių vibrosužadintuvų, dirbančių ant oro pagalvės autovirpesių režimu, dinamikos tyrimas / |
Translation of Title |
Research of dynamics of multifunctional pneumatic vibroexciters working on air cushion under self-exciting autovibration regime. |
Authors |
Pauliukaitis, Darius |
Full Text |
Pages |
188 |
Keywords [eng] |
autovibrations ; pneumatic vibroexciter ; self-exciting vibration ; self-synchronization ; air-cushion mode |
Abstract [eng] |
New developments in fields of pneumatic mechanisms application, requirements of rapidly evolving science and technology fields lead to improving vibration equipment, and the latest scientific achievements allow to create new types of multifunctional pneumatic vibroexciters. The aim of the dissertation research is to investigate the dynamics of multifunctional vibroexciters which are working on the air-cushion in autovibration regime and the synchronization of two vibroexciters. In this dissertation mathematical models of pneumatic vibroexciters on the air-cushion were created and the existing range of autovibrations were investigated, digital and experimental research results were submitted. Also the theory of synchronization and phase controlling of two pneumatic vibroexciters using the elastic link, aerodynamic link and the pulsatile pressure from the outside, was created. Moreover the pneumatic vibroactuator with the linear motion was created and its linear motion and stable regime parameters were investigated. Elements with shape memory alloy in construction of vibroexciters on the air-cushion were recommended. Projecting recommendations of mechanical systems of two vibroexciters on the air-cushion which can work in synchronized regime were created. Vibroexciters of this type have three operating regimes: contact, air-cushion and autovibrations, all these regimes could be used upon the need of technological regime of manufacturing system. |
Dissertation Institution |
Kauno technologijos universitetas. |
Type |
Doctoral thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2018 |