Title Darnaus vystymosi galimybių medienos apdirbimo ir baldų gamybos įmonėse vertinimas /
Translation of Title Assessment of Sustainable Development Opportunities in the Wood Processing and Furniture Manufacturing Enterprises.
Authors Pašukonytė, Gabrielė
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Pages 82
Keywords [eng] sustainable development ; wood and furniture industry ; measurement sustainability
Abstract [eng] Sustainable development is recognized as a major and long-term perspective in society development. Lithuania took into account the principles of sustainable development quite recently, in 2003, when approved the national strategy for sustainable development.Business is seen as one of the most important factors affecting sustainable social and economic development. The principles of sustainable development helps companies gain a competitive advantage, expand practices in domestic and foreign markets, improve the image and the reputation not only for consumers, but also for workers. Sustainable development in Lithuania and in the international context is studied and evaluated in various industrial sectors, however, the wood processing and furniture production sector is not sufficiently investigated, possibilities of sustainable development in this sector is not enough analysed. One of the biggest problems today is that company executives are usually interested only in the pursuit of profit and do not take into account social or environmental problems.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2017