Title The Lamb waves phase velocity dispersion evaluation using an hybrid measurement technique /
Authors Draudviliene, L ; Ait Aider, H ; Tumsys, O ; Mazeika, L
DOI 10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.10.060
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Is Part of Composite structures.. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 2018, vol. 184, p. 1156-1164.. ISSN 0263-8223. eISSN 1879-1085
Keywords [eng] Lamb waves ; phase velocity ; dispersion ; composite plate
Abstract [eng] In this paper two techniques: the zero-crossing and the spectrum decomposition are implemented together to obtain the guided waves phase velocity and their dispersion properties. This proposed hybrid technique has been investigated in two different mediums: an homogenous using signals obtain by 2D finite element modeling and experimental investigation and a non-homogenous environment using 3D finite element model. The results are compared with those obtained by the semi-analytical finite element method (SAFE). It was demonstrated that in the case of correctly selected filters the dispersion curves are reconstructed in approximately 90% for the Lamb wave A0 mode, for the non – dispersive S0 mode up to 81% of the incident signal frequency bandwidth in a homogeneous medium. In the case of non-homogenous CFRP plate the phase velocity dispersion curve of the A0 mode can be reconstructed even up to 96% incident frequency bandwidth.
Published Amsterdam : Elsevier
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2018
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