Title |
Elektrokoaguliacijos proceso taikymas biokuro katilinių kondensato valymui / |
Translation of Title |
Application of electrocoagulation process for treatment of condensate from biomass combustion plant. |
Authors |
Kiudytė, Vesta |
Full Text |
Pages |
63 |
Keywords [eng] |
electrocoagulation ; condensate ; biomass combustion plant |
Abstract [eng] |
Large amounts of suspended particles contains condensate of biomass combustion plant are mostly treated by chemical materials. In order to reduce as much as possible consumption of chemicals, studied electrocoagulation process by condensate of biomass combustion plant. Application of electrocoagulation process designed by three-stage equipment. The study consists determination of suspended solids treatment efficiency, determination of COD and BOD7 ratio and analysis of sediment. Aluminum and iron electrode combinations used for investigation of electrocoagulation. Calculations of operational cost were perform on the basis to selection of process operational parameters. The results showed that the highest efficiency of treatment achieved 79,7% using aluminum electrodes. COD / BDS7 ratio does not exceed the critical value. Analysis of sediment showed that the quantity and composition changes by increasing current strength and duration. Selection of the optimal conditions found that the electrocoagulation can be used for treatment of condensate. Reuse of treated condensate was evaluated, it was found that it can be reuse for the heating water suplementation of district heating networks. Comparison between electrocoagulation and chemical coagulation showed that the electrocoagulation process is 35 % cheaper than the chemical coagulation and chemical consumption is less by 32 %. |
Dissertation Institution |
Kauno technologijos universitetas. |
Type |
Master thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2017 |