Title Moments of the MRC and EGC combiner output /
Another Title MRC ir EGC sumatoriaus išėjimo signalų momentai.
Authors Stefanovic, M.C ; Kapacinovic, N.D ; Bandjur, M.V
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Is Part of Elektronika ir elektrotechnika.. Kaunas : Technologija. 2007, Nr. 1, p. 59-62.. ISSN 1392-1215. eISSN 2029-5731
Keywords [eng] signal generators ; acoustic surface wave filters ; signal theory (telecommunication)
Abstract [eng] The output signals of MRC and EGC combiner in presence of Nakagami and Rician fading were considered in this paper. Also, the expression for N-order moment of output signals for these combiners was obtained. The moments of the combiner output signals can be used for determining optimal parameter values of diversity systems. The average signal from output of EGC and MRC combiner with two branches and the signal variance was calculated by obtained formulas, too.
Published Kaunas : Technologija
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2007
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