Title Signal reconstruction from multiple level crossings using asymmetric constructing functions /
Another Title Diskretizuotų pagal lygius signalų atkūrimas taikant asimetrines konstruojančiąsias funkcijas.
Authors Shavelis, R
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Is Part of Elektronika ir elektrotechnika.. Kaunas : Technologija. 2007, Nr. 5, p. 57-60.. ISSN 1392-1215. eISSN 2029-5731
Keywords [eng] signal processing ; analog-to-digital converters ; mathematical models
Abstract [eng] Signal reconstruction is one of the main tasks in signal processing, where a discrete signal has to be transformed into an analog form. Commonly used analog-to-digital converters sample signals uniformly. The sampling rate is determined by maximal frequency in signal spectrum. A level-crossing sampling approach differs from traditional sampling scheme and results in nonuniformly spaced samples with sampling density depending on the signal's local properties. The method is proposed for signal reconstruction from its level-crossing samples, using asymmetric cubic cardinal splines. Achieved results are demonstrated by simulations.
Published Kaunas : Technologija
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2007
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