Title Dieviškoji dvejonė kaip visiškas susietumas šv. Jėzaus Teresės Avilietės maldos pakopose ir žmogaus vidinėje sąrangoje /
Translation of Title The divine doubt as complete entanglement in the stages of prayer of Saint Teresa of Avila and in the inner design of the human.
Authors Rudokas, Kastytis
DOI 10.24101/logos.2024.48
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Is Part of Logos.. Vilnius : Logos. 2024, Nr. 120, p. 62-71.. ISSN 0868-7692
Keywords [eng] doubt ; hermeneutics ; mystical life ; The Book of Her Life ; entanglement
Abstract [eng] The article is dedicated to the conception of the problem of the mystical and metaphysical concept of doubt, perceiving it as the ontological human capacity to create a variety of empirical worlds before choosing which one to make inhabitable in reality. Here, man is conceived as a lesser creator who longs for the moment of his existence when he was not a creation but merely a thought in the great trinitarian council that created man. Then, on the basis of the mystical reflections of Saint Teresa of Avila, it is concluded that the most essential and complete possibility for man to seek God is to accept his own creaturely existence as a minor kenosis. Doubt here does not manifest itself as a lack of knowledge, as previously seen, but rather as an opportunity to fully embrace and integrate the whole human being, hitherto scattered.
Published Vilnius : Logos
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024
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