Title Muzikinio intermedialumo apraiškos A. Hitchcocko filme Virvė /
Translation of Title Manifestations of musical intermediality in A. Hitchcock's film Rope.
Authors Milius, Domantas
DOI 10.24101/logos.2024.39
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Is Part of Logos.. Vilnius : Logos. 2024, Nr. 119, p. 183-192.. ISSN 0868-7692
Keywords [eng] intermediality ; film music ; piano symbolism ; Hitchcock ; Poulenc
Abstract [eng] In the context of intermedial meanings, the article analyzes the music of the 1948 film "Rope" by the English-American film director Alfred Hitchcock, which, with its structural harmonic and melodic plan, reveals the emotional experiences and aesthetic philosophy of life of the main characters encoded in the dramaturgy of the film, as well as sensitive issues for the social society of e time. Francis Poulenc's "Assez modéré" no. 1 expands the deep understanding of the interaction of music and its means of expression with the rest of the expressive elements of the motion picture, which define the representation of deep dramaturgical and meaningful elements. After analyzing all ten musical episodes of the film, a significant structural heterogeneity of the film music is revealed, which sheds light on the importance of music both in Alfred Hitchock's films and in the historical development of the film music genre itself.
Published Vilnius : Logos
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024
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