Title |
Neįgaliųjų nevyriausybinių organizacijų dalyvavimas viešosios politikos procese: Klaipėdos miesto savivaldybės atvejis / |
Translation of Title |
Participation of non-governmental organizations of disabled in public policy process: case of Klaipėda City Municipality. |
Authors |
Noreikienė, Ilmara |
Full Text |
Pages |
66 |
Keywords [eng] |
disabled individuals ; participation of non-govermantal organisations ; public policy process |
Abstract [eng] |
Non-governmental organisations are one of the key aspects for a progressive society. Non-governmental organisations are voluntary groups, initiated and created by a non-governmental body, who’s purpose is to ensure people’s (organisation members) needs are addressed. a person with any type of disability should be able to be politically and socially active and disability is not a reason to exclude an individual from the society. However, due to stereotypes and negative public attitude towards people with disability, disabled people face attitudinal barriers with the society. Non - government organisations supporting people with disability aim to help those individuals to regain their self esteem and build and strengthen their skills. |
Dissertation Institution |
Kauno technologijos universitetas. |
Type |
Master thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2017 |