Title Dirbtinio intelekto temų integravimas į informatikos dalyką bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje /
Translation of Title Integrating artificial intelligence into the subject of informatics in a general education school.
Authors Sketerskas, Marius
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Pages 89
Keywords [eng] data research ; artificial intelligence ; virtual learning course ; virtual learning environment Moodle
Abstract [eng] Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly shaping various industries, including the use of smart assistants, self-driving cars, and autonomous robots in workplaces. As our society tries to understand the importance of public policy decisions related to AI technologies in this digital age, it has become imperative for all citizens to perceive the basics of artificial intelligence. The near future will witness job displacements in some sectors due to AI technologies while creating opportunities in others. Consequently, the demand for AI-literate professionals is on the rise, particularly according to initiatives such as INDUSTRY 4.0. If we want to develop AI literacy among students, it is essential to demonstrate AI applications across different fields, teach fundamental concepts, and provide opportunities for hands-on experience with simple AI systems. This approach helps students gain a deeper understanding of AI workings and encourages critical thinking about its societal impact and ethical implications. A quantitative study on the necessity of a learning environment for AI topics revealed that Lithuanian teachers lack sufficient knowledge and resources on AI. Therefore, there is a pressing need for a dedicated learning environment. After formulating the functional and non-functional requirements for the environment, an ontology of the environment, a diagram of the features of artificial intelligence tools, the selection of the topic presented in a contextual graph, and the detailing of elements and actions were created. The course "Data Research: Artificial Intelligence" was created and tested in Stasys Šalkauskis Gymnasium in Šiauliai, using the Moodle virtual learning environment. Lithuanian computer science teachers will have access to this course, as it will be published in an archive. Feedback from students and teachers regarding the course's suitability indicates its high quality. The course will be continuously improved, expanded, and updated based on observations, suggestions, and comments from colleagues and students. The findings of the master's thesis were presented at the Republican-Practical Conference "Challenges and Opportunities of IT Education: Competence-Based Education, Innovations, and Artificial Intelligence" on February 20, 2024.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024