Title |
Pastatuose integruotos fotovoltinės sistemos gyvavimo ciklo ekonominis vertinimas / |
Translation of Title |
Economic assessment of in the buildings integrated photovoltaics system life cycle. |
Authors |
Savickienė, Greta |
Full Text |
Pages |
74 |
Keywords [eng] |
Photovoltaic ; building integrated photovoltaic ; renewable energy ; life cycle assessment ; energy payback time |
Abstract [eng] |
Building Integrated Photovoltaic is one of facade elements and usually it is the face of the building that is why the result of Building Integrated Photovoltaics have to make architects, engineers, designers and investitors satisfed. The biggest problem of rewable energy evaluation is lack of assebling technical and economical data and represent it to investitors. Investitors wants to know economic benefits, costs, payback time and only with this information they are making decisions: instal photovoltaic system in their building or not. Usually payback time, cost-benefit analysis, modificated internal rato of return as economic methods are used to evaluate risk of investment. Life cycle assessment is the only scientific way to assess the global impact of products or services on the environment. |
Dissertation Institution |
Kauno technologijos universitetas. |
Type |
Master thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2016 |