Title Įtraukiojo ugdymo įgyvendinimo vadybiniai aspektai ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje Lietuvoje /
Translation of Title Managerial aspects of the implementation of inclusive education in preschool education institution in Lithuania.
Authors Matuzaitė, Miglė
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Pages 85
Keywords [eng] inclusive education ; implementation process ; educational support
Abstract [eng] The aim of the work is to analyze the organization of the implementation of attractive education in an educational institution in Lithuania. Tasks: to present a theoretical model of the implementation of inclusive education in a preschool education institution, which reveals the managerial aspects of inclusive education; to analyze the implementation situation and legal regulation of inclusive education in Lithuania; to identify the management challenges of the implementation of inclusive education and to propose solutions for the preschool educational institution. Research methods: an analysis of scientific literature and legal documents, a case study, using qualitative research methods - analysis of the institution's documents and interviews of the head of the institution, pedagogues and educational support specialists. Identified challenges of inclusive implementation reveal problematic areas of inclusive education, which require solutions to improve the implementation of inclusive education.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024