Title Presuoto biokompozito gamyba naudojant medienos atliekas ir jo savybių tyrimai /
Translation of Title Research of produced and pressed biocomposite with wood waste and its properties.
Authors Stankevičienė, Guoda
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Pages 45
Keywords [eng] biocomposite ; wood chips ; binder ; carbon dioxide ; carbonation
Abstract [eng] The aim of the Master's thesis project is to produce biocomposites with wood chips and determine their physical and mechanical properties. Project objectives: 1. To analyse scientific articles and to present them in a targeted way in the conception of the topic on materials used for biocomposites, production methods, their properties and applicability; 2. To produce compressed biocomposites with wood waste and cement binder and to investigate their physical and mechanical properties; 3. To produce compressed biocomposites with wood waste and lime binder and investigate their physical and mechanical propertie; 4. Determine the effect of wood chip preparation on the properties of the pressed biocomposite; 5. To maintain the compressed biocomposites in a CO2 gas saturated chamber and to determine the effect of carbonisation on the properties of the pressed products. The literature review describes the structure of the biocomposite and the variety of fillers and binders. The variety of biocomposite materials, compositions, production methods, physical and mechanical properties, durability and drawbacks of biocomposites have been analysed. The analysis also presents the applications of biocomposites in construction. Chapter 2 presents the individual compositions of the biocomposites with cementitious and lime binder and the technology for their production. The chapter analyses and identifies the best cement and lime binder formulations. It also describes the test methods, the instruments used and the test procedures. Chapter 3 analyses the results of the experiments. The sawdust preparation methods and pH values are presented, the influence of carbonisation on the properties of the samples and the depth of carbonisation are analysed, and the influence of water absorption on the properties of the biocomposites is assessed. The tests showed that the densities and compressive strengths of both cement and lime samples depend on the binder and sawdust content of the samples, the method and size of the sawdust preparation, and the amount of carbonation. It was found that the lime specimens can abdorb more CO2 gas than the cement specimens. Master’s thesis consists of 13 tables, 30 figures and 43 references.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023