Title Performatyvus audiovizualinis menas: garso ir vaizdo sintezės kūrimo metodai /
Translation of Title Performative audiovisual art: methods for audiovisual synthesis.
Authors Kaminskaitė, Neringa
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Pages 65
Keywords [eng] audiovisual art ; performance ; composition ; vocal music ; electronic music
Abstract [eng] Due to its newness as a genre, audiovisual art still needs to have a clearly defined framework. This fact and the wide range of new works within this genre make determining the compositional process of performative audiovisual art rather tricky. Therefore, this thesis examines the characteristics of performative audio-visual art as a genre and analyses how audiovisual synthesis can be used while composing this type of composition. This work aims to establish a method for composing a performative audiovisual composition. To define the boundaries of performative audiovisual art as a genre, the origins of audiovisual art are examined, and audiovisual artworks and literature written by artists are analysed. The first part of the thesis aims to explore the origins of audiovisual art, highlight the compositional methods, characteristics of performative audiovisual artworks, and systematise them. The second part of the thesis analyses the creative process of a performative audiovisual work. It explains how the compositional methods identified in the first part of the thesis have been applied in the compositional process of a performative audiovisual composition. All the analytical material informs the author's creative experiment, through which the compositional method of a performative audiovisual work is formed.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023