Title Logistikos procesų tobulinimas gamyboje /
Translation of Title Improvement of logistics processes in manufacturing.
Authors Norkevičiūtė, Rosita
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Pages 64
Keywords [eng] process ; process management ; improvement of logistics processes ; manufacturing
Abstract [eng] The thesis analyzes the problems of logistics processes in a production company in a theoretical and practical context. Objects of the study are logistics processes, their management, control and how logistics impact all company‘s performance. Logistics is involved in all stages of production processes, from provision of material flow, supply and transportation in the production process to distribution to customers, so it is important to study the problems of logistics management and apply improvement tools based on the analysis of scientific literature. The study reveals the application of LEAN, VSM and Six Sigma DMAIC methods in improving logistics processes.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023