Title Technologinių inovacijų įtakos šalies makroekonominiams rodikliams vertinimas /
Translation of Title Assessment of the impact of technological innovations on the macroeconomic indicators of the country.
Authors Strabeika, Romas
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Pages 73
Keywords [eng] technological innovation ; economic growth ; macroeconomic indicators ; innovation system ; endogenous growth
Abstract [eng] One of the main factors of competitiveness and economic growth of companies and the entire country is the introduction of new products to the market, the use of new technologies in production, in other words the creation, implementation, use and dissemination of technological innovations. Even at the end of the last century, it was confirmed that technological innovation has a positive effect on economic growth. Technological progress in the form of innovation improves the conversion of resources and costs into products and services. Therefore, the impact of technological innovation on economic growth remains relevant in economic science research. The results of such research help to make appropriate decisions regarding innovation development policy both at the company and state levels. The object of the final master's project - impact of technological innovations on macroeconomic indicators. The aim is to analyze the impact of technological innovations on the macroeconomic indicators of the country. To achieve the goal, the project objectives were formulated: to reveal the relevance and problematic of research on the influence of technological innovations on macroeconomic indicators; perform a theoretical analysis of technological innovations and their impact on the economy, revealing the diversity of viewpoints; develop a methodology for empirical research on the impact of technological innovations on the country's macroeconomic indicators; to conduct an empirical study of the impact of technological innovations on Lithuanian macroeconomic indicators in the period 2000-2020 and present the results of this study. The analysis of scientific literature showed that technological innovation is treated as an endogenous factor of economic growth. Indicators of technological innovation such as expenditures on research and experimental development activities, the number of employees employed in these activities, the number of patent applications submitted, and state expenditures on advanced science influence various macroeconomic indicators. Summarizing the theoretical studies, a conceptual model of the influence of technological innovations on macroeconomic indicators has been compiled in this final master's project. The model is based on the conclusions of a theoretical study that the aforementioned indicators reflecting technological innovations influence such macroeconomic indicators as gross domestic product per capita, export volumes, foreign direct investment volumes and the unemployment rate. Correlation and regression analysis methods were used to test the model. It was established that technological innovations in Lithuania influence such macroeconomic indicators as the gross domestic product per inhabitant, the volume of exports and the volume of direct foreign investments. Meanwhile, technological innovations do not have a significant impact on the unemployment rate. It was also found that indicators of technological innovation such as expenditures on scientific research and experimental development, as well as the number of employees employed in scientific research and experimental development, have the greatest influence on macroeconomic indicators. Empirical research confirmed the impact of technological innovations on macroeconomic indicators. The results of the final master's project are useful for company managers and specialists, when making decisions about the development of technological innovations in companies, as well as for the makers of state policy in relation to innovations.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023