Title Bibliotekininko kompetencijų aplanko sudarymas /
Translation of Title Creating of the portfolio of librarian competencies.
Authors Breskienė, Loreta
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Pages 76
Keywords [eng] library ; librarian ; competencies ; competence development
Abstract [eng] Changes taking place in society – globalization, rapid improvement and development of information technologies determine new roles of libraries and form ever greater requirements for employees. The challenge for the library institution is to assess and effectively manage the competences of the organization's employees, and for librarians to constantly learn, improve, and update their knowledge and skills in order to meet the changing needs and expectations of users. However, a fundamental problem observed both in the scientific context and in the practice of library activities is the identification and highlighting of librarians competences, as the portfolio of librarians competences has not yet been prepared. The object of the work is the competencies of the librarian. The purpose of the work is to examine the competencies of a librarian. To achieve the goal of the work, the following tasks have been set: to justify the theoretical assumptions of the portfolio of library employees competencies (the concept of competence and types of librarians competencies), to identify the requirements for library employees, to study the expression of librarians competencies in the libraries of the city and district of Panevezys. The data collection methods chosen to implement the work tasks: analysis of scientific literature, questionnaire survey, data analysis method – descriptive statistics. In the theoretical part of the work, following the analysis of scientific sources by foreign and Lithuanian authors, a definition of competence was formulated: functional / wide-range measurable employee abilities, knowledge, skills, personal qualities / traits / characteristics and knowledge, abilities, professional values and attitudes, motives, behavior combination of features / totality. After systematizing the scientific sources, six main competencies, the most significant in the activity of a modern librarian, were distinguished: communicative, educational, informational, IT, personal, professional competencies. In the project part of the work, a study was conducted, in which 104 librarians of public libraries of Panevezys city and district municipalities participated. The results of the study showed that the personal and communicative competences of librarians are the most important to the respondents, and IT and professional competences are the least important.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023