Title Pasvalio socialinių paslaugų centro vystymosi strategijos formavimas /
Translation of Title Designing of the development strategy of the Pasvalys social services.
Authors Grybauskienė, Jolanta
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Pages 112
Keywords [eng] Pasvalys social services center ; development strategy ; strategy
Abstract [eng] Based on the theoretical analysis, the organization's strategy is arisen as one of the most crucial requirements for success in the current context of social, political, economic, and technical progress. This means that in order to accomplish the goals, the business must continuously plan its initiatives, allocate its resources, and designate competent employees for the strategy's implementation, management, and evaluation. Although there are many various types of strategies – growth, crisis, general of organizations, etc. The theoretical analysis of the classification of strategies showed that each organization must independently adopt a strategy and anticipate certain strategic possibilities in perspective.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023