Title Įvairių valiutų monetų rūšiavimo sistemos projektavimas ir diegimas /
Translation of Title Design and implementation of a system for sorting coins of various currencies.
Authors Dargis, Vilmantas
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Pages 49
Keywords [eng] coins ; sorting ; separation ; sorting machine ; sorting equipment
Abstract [eng] The final master thesis involves the design and implementation of a coin sorting device for different currencies and denominations. This device helps to reduce the the effort required to separate coins of different currencies and denominations. Such mixtures of coins are mainly found in donation boxes, "fountains of fortune", money changers and other places frequented by tourists. Mixed coins no longer have a clear value and must therefore be sorted. A rotary centrifugal sorting machine has been designed and installed to sort the mixture of coins into 14 separate compartments according to the diameters of the coins.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023