Title Injekcinio liejimo būdu suformuoto plastiko gaminio apdirbimo celės tobulinimas /
Translation of Title Improvement of post-moulding operations workcentre for plastic injection moulding product.
Authors Subačiūtė, Viltė
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Pages 61
Keywords [eng] injection moulding ; modification ; workcentre
Abstract [eng] Plastic injection moulding is one of the most popular technologies for processing plastic pellets into products. Although this technology allows the production of parts with complex geometries, a number of machining operations have to be carried out after the injection moulding operation. The operations involved can be very diverse and complex, depending on the specifics of the part and the requirements of the customer. It is often quite difficult to manufacture a part efficiently when many different machining operations are required to produce it. This study focuses on the specific case of a part produced by injection moulding and subsequently processed in a machining cell. The aim of the study was to improve an existing inefficient machining process for the part.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023