Title Vadovo kompetencijos vaidmuo smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo įmonės valdyme /
Translation of Title The role of an executive's competency in management of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Authors Venckė, Toma
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Pages 109
Keywords [eng] enterprises ; management ; competency ; small and medium-sized
Abstract [eng] The leader competency is the way to increase small and medium-sized enterprises' competitiveness. The modern leader must have good skills of small and medium-sized enterprise management. These skills must be adequate to modern environmental changes. The aim of the paper – to disclose the role of leader competence in the management of SMEs. The object of paper – the role of leader competence in the management of SMEs. Work tasks: 1. To disclose the importance and problems of the the leader competence in the management of SMEs. 2. To analyze the types and structure of the the leader competence in the management of SMEs. 3. To prepare the theoretical model of the role of leader competence in the management of SMEs. 4. To research the role of leader competence in the management of SMEs in Tauragė town. 5. To evaluate the oppurtinities for improving of leader competence in the management of SMEs in Tauragė town. It was found the best leader competencies in the management of SMEs in Tauragė town: social competence, emotional comeptence, communication competence. It is needed to improve these leader competencies in the management of very small enterprises: global thinking, the ability to prognose (strategic competence); creativity and unconventional thinking, knowledge of the functional areas (functional competence); professional skills used of the situation, foreign language skills, the ability to learn (professional competence); flexibility, dynamism and mobility in management, the ability to innovate the management (management skills). It is needed to improve these leader competencies in the management of small enterprises: global thinking, the ability to prognose (strategic competence); creativity, unconventional thinking (functional competence); foreign language skills (professional competence); flexibility, dynamism and mobility in management, the ability to innovate the management (management skills). It is needed to improve these leader competencies in the management of medium-sized enterprises: the ability to solve the problem, global thinking (strategic competence); creativity, unconventional thinking (functional competence); foreign language skills (professional competence); the ability to maintain strong emotional relationships with subordinates, the ability to manage emotions for emotional growth (emotional competence), flexibility, dynamism, mobility, ability to innovate the management (management skills).
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2015