Title Maisto vėsinimo sistemų darbo metu išsiskiriančios šilumos panaudojimas /
Translation of Title Heat recovery and reusage in refrigeration systems.
Authors Stanys, Rimantas
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Pages 129
Keywords [eng] heating ; cooling ; ventilation ; heat recovery
Abstract [eng] The aim of master thesis is to design heating, cooling and ventilation systems to ensure sufficient/normative microclimate parameters and minimal energy consumptions for a shopping center in Kaunas. Required thermal energy for heating and ventilation systems will be obtained from the city thermal network.A part of energy will be recoveredfrom refrigeration cycle and reused on heating purposes. In order to prepare thermal carrier for a ventilation/heating systems and a hot water therewas designed independent connection heating point with three heat exchangers. A calculation of heat losses and inflows was made. By the results of these calculations and other parameters (height of rooms, efficiency) there were selected a suitable equipment of heating, cooling and ventilation systems. A smoke exhaustion system was designed for a trading mall. There was made pricing calculations to find out an estimate value of ventilation system T2/I2. Other calculations were made to estimate if it is suitable to design and install heat recovery and reusage in refrigeration systems.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2015