Title Mikro/nano filtruojančio sluoksnio gamybos technolgija /
Translation of Title Production technology of micro/nano layer.
Authors Masionis, Justinas
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Pages 89
Keywords [eng] melt electrospinning ; solution electrospinning ; microfiber ; nanofiber ; respirator
Abstract [eng] In the final project, a study was conducted to create a micro/nano filter layer using a combination of melt and solution electrospinning technologies. The process parameters, their influence on the morphology of the fibers were investigated and the optimal conditions to produce the filtering layer were determined and recommendations were given. The results showed that the filter with the best filtering properties was made by combining melt and solution electrospinning methods in the following order: using melt electrospinning, the microfiber base of Vestamid® L1670 (polyamide 12) was prepared, which is thermomechanically treated and coated with nanofiber layer of polyamide 6/6, using solution electrospinning. Each method used for 30 minutes. The resulting filter has a filtration efficiency of 85% for sodium chloride aerosol particles and a pressure drop of 29 Pa. The average diameters of the nanolayer fibers and pores are 0.18 and 0.23, respectively. Filtration properties were improved by fiber mats. Filter layer was folded in half and pressed at 140 ° C for 2 seconds. The two-layer filter trapped the particles with an efficiency of 96% and a pressure drop of 120 Pa. These results meet the requirements for an FFP2 standard class respirator. The work also designs a company that manufactures respirators, names construction solutions, calculates its financial and economic indicators, evaluates the safety of work and the potential impact on the environment.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022