Title Investigation of dynamics of a system with two sided impacts /
Authors Ragulskis, Kazimieras ; Pauliukas, Arvydas ; Bubulis, Algimantas ; Paškevičius, Petras ; Maskeliūnas, Rimas ; Ragulskis, Liutauras Mykolas
DOI 10.36910/automash.v1i18.757
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Is Part of Advances in mechanical engineering and transport = Сучасні технології в машинобудуванні та транспорті.. Lutsk : Lutsk National Technical University. 2022, vol. 1, no. 18, p. 24-30.. ISSN 2313-5425
Keywords [eng] nonlinearity of impact type ; harmonic excitation ; two sided impacts ; nonlinear transient processes ; graphical representations.
Abstract [eng] In the elements of manipulators and robots, various types of impact interactions take place. Among the most typical impact interactions two sided impacts are often observed. For their investigation a special numerical procedure is proposed. Numerical results for typical parameters of the investigated system having one degree of freedom are presented. Results without application of this procedure and with it are presented and mutually compared. Dynamics of essentially nonlinear system is investigated in [1]. Impact motions are analyzed in [2]. Theoretical basis of vibrating systems with impacts is described in [3]. Vibrations and impacts in transmissions are presented in [4]. Systems with impacts are investigated in [5]. Applications in the field of manipulators and robots are presented in [6]. Industrial robots are investigated in [7]. New types of mechanisms are presented in [8]. Essentially nonlinear problems of dynamics are analyzed in [9]. Robot with impact interactions is described in [10]. First the model of the system having one degree of freedom with two sided impacts is described. Then the procedure for calculation of impact interactions is presented. Graphical results for typical parameters of the system without application of this procedure and with application of it are compared.
Published Lutsk : Lutsk National Technical University
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2022