Title Pažangios sistemos, skirtos sportui ir reabilitacijai, kūrimas ir tyrimas /
Translation of Title Development and research of an advanced system for sport and rehabilitation.
Authors Zelickas, Deividas
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Pages 53
Keywords [eng] automation ; mechatronics ; prototype ; training ; rehabilitation
Abstract [eng] During the final project, a prototype of a mechatronic training system was developed for high-speed short-distance runner speed and strength training and rehabilitation after injuries. During the work, similar existing systems, running parameters measurement technologies used in sports science and theoretical sprint modeling methods are reviewed. In the course of the project, a servo drive was selected and experimentally investigated for the prototype to be developed, determining the most suitable control mode in its interface with humans. The entire control system has also been designed - the PLC has been selected and programmed according to the developed algorithms, communication for data exchange between the main controller and the microcomputer with the user interface has been implemented. The appendixes contain part of the controller program code and the electrical diagram of the system. Experimental studies were performed to determine the sampling frequency of the running data required to meet the objectives, Modbus TCP protocol queries were programmed to be generated based on the results of these tests. The developed prototype was tested in comparative tests with other certified systems - in the laboratory with the Qualisys system and under real conditions with the Optojump Witty system. The accuracy, functionality and application possibilities of the developed prototype have been investigated. The system was tested during the training of athletes, the collected data were processed with the help of the biomechanical sprint modeling method presented in the literature review, and the results of this analysis are presented. At the end of the work, the output parameter of the system is modeled according to the results of the analysis - the optimal individualized load, after which the athlete's training with the system would theoretically allow to achieve the best results in the field of strength.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022