Title Kūno kultūros ir sporto politikos įgyvendinimas Marijampolės savivaldybėje /
Translation of Title Implementation of physical culture and sports policy in Marijampolė municipality.
Authors Juočienė, Reda
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Pages 84
Keywords [eng] physical culture ; sport ; sports development ; sports policy ; sports system.
Abstract [eng] Sports policy recognizes that all forms of sports contribute to the social and health benefits of individuals. Encouraging participation in sport affects all other levels. Sports policy is also often understood as sports development. Sports policy depends on the effectiveness of programs in sectors such as physical activity and sport in schools, the promotion of recreational activities and the promotion of a physically active lifestyle for the whole population. Therefore, proper management and monitoring of sports is very important. In recent years, Lithuania has been improving its sports system, but there are a number of problem areas. The poor state of sports infrastructure and the lack of sports facilities are becoming a challenge. The inadequate distribution of funding, lack of transparency and the complicated procedure for drawing up documents in the nation state create a number of problems in the field of sports. There is also a shortage of qualified professionals. The State should design and implement sports policy in such a way that sport becomes a culture that encourages active habits of life. It should also promote the well-being of society and support amateur sport. The search for talented children and young people must become an essential prerequisite for the development of high-performance athletes. Sports policy is not a widely researched topic at national level, especially at local government level. The author's professional activity is directly related to the field of sport and the topic of sports policy implementation is of particular interest to her. This has led to the author's choice to focus on the Implementation of Sports Policy in Marijampolė Municipality. The research problem in the final master's project is formulated by the question - how to ensure the purposeful Implementation of Physical Culture and Sports Policy in Marijampolė Municipality? The object of the research is the Implementation of Physical Culture and Sports Policy. The aim of the project is to analyze the Implementation of Physical Culture and Sports Policy in Marijampolė Municipality and to identify practical problems. To achieve this goal, the project has 3 objectives: 1) to identify the theoretical foundations of the Implementation of Physical Culture and Sports Policy; 2) to analyze the legal documents and the institutional structure regulating the policy of physical culture and sports; 3) to investigate the Implementation of Physical Culture and Sports Policy in Marijampolė Municipality. For the preparation of the project the analysis of scientific literature, legal acts and strategic documents and textual analysis of data were carried out. Qualitative research method of interviews was used to analyze the Implementation of Physical Culture and Sports Policy in Marijampolė Municipality. The final project consists of: introduction, three chapters, conclusions, recommendations, list of literature and reference sources, appendices. The first chapter introduces the concept of public policy and defines the stages of the public policy cycle, examines the concepts of physical education and sport, analyses the models of athlete training in different countries, and presents the structure of the sports system and sports policy. Chapter 2 identifies the strategic and legal documents of the European Union and Lithuania that regulate sports policy and its implementation and presents the institutional structure that implements sports policy. The third chapter presents the methodology of the research, identifies the Implementation of Sports Policy in 7 Marijampolė Municipality and analyses the results of the research. The qualitative research revealed that sport and its implementation is not recognized as a key priority of the state, as a separate branch of economy in the country. The main weaknesses that hinder the implementation of sports policy in Lithuania are the lack of sports professionals, inadequate funding model and institutional structure of the sports system. At the level of local government, the lack of human resources and expertise, as well as inadequate financial resources, lack of inter-institutional cooperation and lack of sports facilities are highlighted. To implement sport policy in a targeted manner, it is necessary to review the legislative changes related to the dual career of athletes and the sports funding model. At local government level, it would be worth promoting inter-institutional cooperation between sports bodies by setting up a working group. The activities of the group should be focused on monitoring the sports system in Marijampolė municipality. It should also promote public-private partnerships for the modernization of sports facilities and the implementation of the multi-purpose arena project. It is appropriate for the municipality to analyze the experience of other municipalities in introducing the non-formal education basket system to achieve a club sports system in Marijampolė.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022