Title Tarpsisteminių jungčių pralaidumų įtakos elektros energijos biržos kainai Lietuvoje tyrimas /
Translation of Title Research of cross-border capacity impact on electricity market price in Lithuania.
Authors Osipišenas, Viktoras
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Pages 48
Keywords [eng] cross-border capacity ; electricity market price ; congestion management
Abstract [eng] The final master's project evaluates the impact of interconnection capacity on the price of the electricity exchange in Lithuania. Topicalities, results of previous studies, goals of the National Energy Independence Strategy, development plans of the Lithuanian network operator are evaluated and presented. An overview of the energy system of Lithuania and neighboring countries is performed and its impact on the electricity markets is assessed. The analysis of interconnection capacity calculation is performed, as well as the influence of various application of capacity calculation methodologies in the region on the price of electricity in the Lithuanian trading zone, and the analysis of the factors of the wholesale electricity price difference in the analyzed sections. Summary results, conclusions and suggestions of the analysis are presented.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022