Title Kreivalinijinės adityvios gamybos sistemos, naudojant pramoninę roboto ranką, projektavimas ir tyrimas /
Translation of Title The design and investigation of a curvilinear additive production system based on industrial robot arm.
Authors Milkintas, Liudvikas
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Pages 56
Keywords [eng] 3D printing ; additive manufacturing ; robotic arm ; multi-plane printing ; curvilinear printing
Abstract [eng] In the final master's project, an additive production system is designed and researched using an industrial robot arm and capable of printing not only in a horizontal plane like conventional printers on the market, but also in a plane rotated at an angle, as well as on curvilinear surfaces. During the work, additive production technologies, industrial manipulators, and the latest areas of application in the application of robotic hands in 3D printing are reviewed. In the practical part, the mechanical and electronic components are selected according to the system concept, and the additive production system is designed according to them. The system was implemented using the industrial robot arm ABB IRB 120 and other 3D printer components. The study of the system started with printing in a single plane, moving to multi-plane printing and finally to curvilinear printing after selecting the appropriate printing settings. All printed samples were compared with the commercial 3D printer PRUSA MK3S samples, their geometrical parameters and surface quality were examined.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022