Title Lietuvos imigracijos politikos priemonių trečiųjų šalių piliečių atžvilgiu tobulinimo galimybės /
Translation of Title Possibilities for improving Lithuanian immigration policy measures in respect of third-country nationals.
Authors Dragūnaitė, Rita
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Pages 104
Keywords [eng] migration ; immigration ; migration policy ; economic migration ; immigration policy measures
Abstract [eng] The migration process refers to the desire of individuals to find more favourable living and working conditions. Leaving the country for a long period leads to a decline in the social, economic and demographic environment in the country. The consequences of migration in Lithuania are becoming an increasingly complex problem, leading to labour shortages in sectors where residents of the home country and the EU do not want to work. Attracting of residents from third countries is one of the directions of immigration policy, which aims to relatively solve the problems of the country. It has been noticed that too strict and selective policy does not encourage the arrival of immigrants and helps to fill vacancies. To avoid possible risks to the economy and persons living in the country, it is important to improve immigration policy measures for the residents of third countries and to facilitate their legal arrival and integration into the labour market. The applied immigration policy measures towards the residents of third countries in Lithuania have not been sufficiently analysed, therefore, considering the benefits created by the residents of third countries for the labour market and economy of the country, it is relevant to examine this area. The choice of this topic was also determined by the fact that the author’s work is directly related to the following area: employment of the residents of third countries in Lithuania. The research problem of the Final Master's Project is - how to improve the existing immigration policy measures for the residents of third countries? The subject of the research is the immigration policy measures for the residents of third countries. The objective of the Project is to analyse the immigration policy measures of Lithuania towards the residents of third countries and to provide recommendations on how to improve this area. 3 tasks are set to achieve the objective: 1) to analyse the theoretical aspects of immigration policy issues; 2) to identify the immigration policy and the legal acts and institutional structure regulating its implementation; 3) to study Lithuanian immigration policy measures referred to the residents of third countries. The analysis of scientific literature, analysis of strategic documents and legal acts were used in the Final Master’s Project. A partially structured interview approach was used to identify problem areas in immigration policy measures for the residents of third countries. The structure of the Final Master’s Project consists of an introduction, three teaching sections, conclusions, recommendations, a list of literature and information sources, and appendices. The first chapter presents the theoretical foundations of immigration policy, identifies immigration policy measures and aspects of their application. The second chapter identifies the legal regulation of immigration policy in the EU and Lithuania, and establishes the institutional structure of immigration policy. The third chapter presents the research methodology and applied research methods, and includes the analysis of the data obtained from partially structured interviews with public and private sector experts. The research results revealed that the practical implementation of measures for legal immigration and control needs to be improved, the goals set in the immigration policy strategy and the prevailing demand in the labour market are incompatible. The conditions for issuing immigration policies and for the arrival of persons have been found to be inflexible, strict and bureaucratic. The arrival of immigrants is complicated by the requirements of qualifications and work experience, as well as the relatively long duration of legal measures compared to the experience of EU countries. It was established during the research that operators of the public sector and interested parties face mutual communication problems, as well as feel lack of cooperation between institutions at the national and international levels.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022