Title Gaminančio vartotojo verslo modelių tyrimas /
Translation of Title Business models research of the producing consumer.
Authors Giniotytė, Monika
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Pages 86
Keywords [eng] renewable energy ; solar power plant ; producing consumer ; economic analysis
Abstract [eng] The aim of this Master's thesis is to analyse the business models of producing consumers and to perform a comparative economic and sensitivity analysis. In Lithuania, the number of producing consumers was foreseen to be 2% of the total number of electricity consumers by 2020. This target was not met. One of the reasons that may have contributed to the missed target is the integration of producing consumers into the distribution grid. Some residential buildings do not have the possibility to connect the solar power plant to the electricity grid without grid modernisation. In this case, they have to cover 50% of the costs of upgrading the distribution network. This aspect significantly increases the investment and prolongs the payback period of solar power plants. In 2019, a new producing consumer model was introduced in Lithuania for those wishing to use electricity generated from renewable energy sources, allowing them to purchase part of a solar power plant from solar parks and become a remote producing consumer. The theoretical part of the thesis analyses the possible producing consumer business models, including the peer to peer (P2P) business model. This model allows two residential buildings to share the electricity produced without the intervention of third parties. One property has a solar power plant and the other a wind turbine. The cost-effectiveness of the producing consumer business models in the case of four residential electricity consumers is analysed in the research part of the study. A comparative economic analysis was carried out for two solar power plants of different capacities. For each case, the feasibility of becoming a producing consumer is analysed by taking into account the grid expansion component and the remote producing consumer's purchase of a part of the solar power plant from a solar park. For the fourth site, the feasibility of a P2P business model scheme is analysed. For each of the case studies, a comparative analysis of economic indicators and sensitivity was carried out. The paper concludes with summarising conclusions.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022