Title Tarporganizacinio bendradarbiavimo procesas teikiant socialinių įgūdžių ugdymo ir palaikymo paslaugą socialinę riziką patiriančioms šeimoms /
Translation of Title Inter-organizational collaboration process in providing social skills development and maintenance service to families at social risk.
Authors Balčiūnaitienė, Justina
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Pages 94
Keywords [eng] interorganizational collaboration ; process ; public service ; social skills development service
Abstract [eng] In the final master’s study project is analyzed an inter-organizational collaboration process in providing social skills development and maintenance service to families at social risk. In public administration a lot of attention is paid to reducing social exclusion and a priority group which experiences the social exclusion should be a family. However, it is typical for the specificity of this group that most of the families experiencing social exclusion belong to the families at social risk. For change in this area, it is necessary a purposeful collaboration of different organizations and specialists because in these families’ complex problems prevail and it is needed to solve them in an integrated way, i. e. to provide maintenance service in collaboration with each other. The novelty of the theme is shown by this, that in scientific research a lot of attention is paid specifically to the results of a single process analysis and little attempt is made to combine several processes into one which interacting or complementing each other could give much higher results to the development opportunities of the public sector. The research problem is formulated in a question: how goes the process of inter-organizational collaboration in providing social skills development and maintenance service to families at social risk. The aim of the research – to analyze inter-organizational collaboration process in providing social skills development and maintenance service to families at social risk. The research object – inter-organizational collaboration process. The research tasks: 1. After revealing the essence of the process of the public service and inter-organizational collaboration to give a theoretical model in providing public service collaborating inter-organizationally. 2. To adapt the theoretical model of the process of inter-organizational collaboration in providing the public service for the social skills development and maintenance service. 3. To conduct the research applying the theoretical model of the process of the inter-organizational collaboration in providing social skills development and maintenance service to families at social risk. In order to achieve the goal of the research according to the formulated tasks of the project, it was performed the analysis of the scientific literature, Lithuanian legal acts were analyzed, analysis of different cases was performed, also analysis of documents and interview. After completion of the research, the process of inter-organizational collaboration in providing social skills development and maintenance service was analyzed according to the adapted thoeretical model. Conclusions and recommendations of the project are presented. The master’s thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions and recommendations. In the first chapter theoretical substantiation of the inter-organizational collaboration process in the provision of public services is performed, the process of the provision of public services is discussed, the concept and importance of inter-organizational collaboration is analyzed and theoretical substantiation of the process of the inter-organizational collaboration model in providing public services is done. In the second chapter is examined a legal regulation of the inter-organizational process in providing social skills development and maintenance service and is designed the theoretical model of the inter-organizational collaboration process in providing social skills development and maintenance service. In the third chapter is substantiated the research methodology and given cases of inter-organizational collaboration in providing social skills development and maintenance service and the analysis of these cases which is supplemented by a method of observation and case comparison.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022