Title Atvirojo kodo gama spektrometro kūrimas /
Translation of Title Development of an open source gamma spectrometer.
Authors Beresnevičius, Justas
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Pages 65
Keywords [eng] gamma spectrometer ; open source ; scintillation detector
Abstract [eng] Continuous background measurements and identification of unknown radioactive materials are inherent subjects to the fields of radiation protection and medical physics. Gamma ray spectrometers based on scintillation detector are common devices for such use in border control or nationwide early warning alert systems for radiation hazards due to their ease of use, yet its cost is way above any interested citizen scientist could spend on a hobby. This work examines a way how to make a reliable gamma spectrometer using scintillating crystal and photomultiplier tube synergy to transmit information about the energy of captured particle. Also, with the help of modern device “GS-USB-PRO” which has a high voltage power supply and analog-to-digital converter inside it is possible to receive the signal from the detector in any device that has an USB or 3.5mm audio jack input. Using open-source software to analyze the received signal the results showed that developed detector has working voltage of 860V. as well as an energy resolution of 137Cs photopeak of 7.3%, which is 11.6% better than commercially manufactured device “IdentiFINDER”. Also, signature energies of 137Cs, 133Ba, 228Th, 152Eu and 226Ra are easily noticeable with constructed device, and proved to let analyze unknown radioactive materials successfully.  .
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022