Title Pedagogų pasirengimo vykdyti įtraukųjį ugdymą bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje galimybės ir kliūtys /
Translation of Title Opportunities and obstacles to teachers’ preparedness for inclusive education in general education schools.
Authors Jonaitytė, Lina
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Pages 78
Keywords [eng] inclusive education ; teacher preparedness ; preparedness opportunities ; preparedness obstacles
Abstract [eng] By 2024, all schools in the country must be ready to accept children with special educational needs in mainstream schools, and to move completely from a school-for-all to a school-for-everyone approach. This means that the implementation of inclusive education is becoming a challenge for the education system, which is changing and expanding the professional scope of educators. In this context, the aim must be to ensure that teachers are adequately trained to enable them to implement inclusive education in general education schools in an effective and qualitative manner. The aspect of teachers' preparation for inclusive education is relevant to enable teachers to act in an integrated way in their work, by revealing existing preparation opportunities and identifying obstacles. The object of the study: opportunities and barriers to teachers' preparation for inclusive education in mainstream schools. The aim of the study is to identify opportunities and barriers to teachers' readiness to implement inclusive education in mainstream schools. The objectives of the study are: 1) to provide a theoretical basis for theoretical aspects of teachers' readiness to implement inclusive education in a mainstream school; 2) to justify the methodology of research on opportunities and barriers to teachers' readiness to implement inclusive education in a mainstream school; 3) to identify opportunities and barriers to teachers' readiness to implement inclusive education in a mainstream school. Methods of data collection - analysis of scientific literature, document analysis, semi-structured interviews. Data processing methods - content analysis, qualitative and quantitative content analysis of qualitative data using „MAXQDA 2022“ software. The results of the study revealed that the following opportunities are available for teachers to prepare for inclusive education in a general education school: participation in training on inclusive education, funds allocated for improving competences, adequate opportunities to prepare psychologically and to prepare oneself for the implementation of inclusive education, a favourable atmosphere of cooperation, consultations with specialists (specialised training in the field of education) and the use of the following methods The school has a good working environment with specialised teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, individual and group meetings with teachers, trips to other schools implementing inclusive education, the opportunity to cooperate with parents, the possibility to participate in project activities, the possibility to participate in educational activities. Identified barriers to teachers' preparation for inclusive education: Lack of experience, lack of knowledge and skills, negative attitudes of educators, lack of human resources to support educators, shortcomings and incompleteness of the inclusive education system, incompetence of lecturers conducting trainings and workshops, lack of practical advice, lack of methodological materials according to the subject and the specific disability of the pupil, and lack of professional and structured training for educators, the lack of teaching assistant posts as a lack of support from the organisation, the lack of resources as a lack of support from the organisation in the preparation process, the lack of adaptation of the physical environment for teachers and pupils as a lack of support from the organisation in the preparation process, the excessive number of pupils in classrooms and the high level of workload as an obstacle to the preparation for Inclusive Education. The final master's project consists of an introduction, three teaching parts, a summary and discussion of the research results, conclusions, recommendations and appendices. The first chapter is devoted to the analysis of the scientific literature, the second chapter is devoted to the justification of the research methodology, the third chapter presents the analysis of the documents and the data obtained from the empirical study, their analysis and summary. The final project, excluding appendices, consists of 77 pages.
Dissertation Institution Kauno technologijos universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022